The Pharmacotherapy team

Delphi study


Prescribing errors (PEs) in the in-hospital setting can result in patient harm, prolonged hospital stay or hospital(re)admission and is often preventable. This causes distress to patients and their families, burden hospital capacity and is accompanied by significant healthcare costs. In Europe alone, PE rates are estimated between 0.3–9.1%, asociated costs lie between 4.5 and 21.8 billion EUR annually. Over the years, several intervention strategies have been
eted and implemented. Suprisingly, medication-related hr is not declining.


Developing specific and evidence-based quality indicators (QIs).

QIs are explicit statements providing measurable items and metrics for quality assessment of 3 aspects of care, resulting in a European framework to benchmark, assess and improve the quality of delivered pharmacotherapeutic care.

Study Visualisation

Road Map

Results Delphi round 1

Results Delphi round 3

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